The young Racaox eventually create its own server to bypass iCloud
Briox Bypass iCloud Activation
Enabling iCloud enhances security and decreased iPhone flights however there is a problem if you would like to purchase an iPhone or if you lose the password to your iCloud / Apple account. Therefore you are likely to seek a solution to bypass activation iCloud to finally enjoy your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.
How to use the bypass iCloud Briox
- you must have your iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch displays the activation page
- connect to your wireless network
- access the settings of your wireless network (still on your iDevice) and enter the IP address and port (see twitter account Racaox or in comments below)
- a page should open and you need to click "Enable Help"
Here is an example iP address: and PORT: 3128.
A young developer (12) who is called Racaox on twitter and helped Team doulCi, decided to part with the Team to prepare its own server with the help of @ Ex_Root1
- Access to the server will be completely free, available 24/24 hours - 7/7 days, just enough to register
- The number of activation will be "limited" to 100 units per day (in case of misuse of the relevant accounts will be blocked)
- All iPhone / iPad / iPod models can be activated
- The GSM iPhone and iPad will be used as if they were officially activated by iTunes (access for 3G / 4G etc..)
For more update IP and Port please follow brioX Click Here