Friday, 10 October 2014

BrioX Team A new solution to bypass activation iCloud

 The young Racaox eventually create its own server to bypass iCloud

Briox Bypass iCloud Activation

Enabling iCloud enhances security and decreased iPhone flights however there is a problem if you would like to purchase an iPhone or if you lose the password to your iCloud / Apple account. Therefore you are likely to seek a solution to bypass activation iCloud to finally enjoy your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

 How to use the bypass iCloud Briox

  1. you must have your iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch displays the activation page
  2. connect to your wireless network
  3. access the settings of your wireless network (still on your iDevice) and enter the IP address and port (see twitter account Racaox or in comments below)
  4. a page should open and you need to click "Enable Help"

Here is an example iP address: and PORT: 3128.

A young developer (12) who is called Racaox on twitter and helped Team doulCi, decided to part with the Team to prepare its own server with the help of @ Ex_Root1
  1. Access to the server will be completely free, available 24/24 hours - 7/7 days, just enough to register
  2. The number of activation will be "limited" to 100 units per day (in case of misuse of the relevant accounts will be blocked)
  3. All iPhone / iPad / iPod models can be activated
  4. The GSM iPhone and iPad will be used as if they were officially activated by iTunes (access for 3G / 4G etc..)
This example video from youtube ( i Disassembler )

 For more update IP and Port please follow brioX Click Here

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